Partial print failure

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Partial print failure

Postby Davjim » Sat Nov 21, 2015 9:32 pm

I seem to be having an irritating niggle with failures just on one side of the grow plate.

The images show that although the models have printed ok we have placed 4 square colums in the corners to even up the pull on the basement. As you can see the colums on one side have failed, for no apparent reason.

I think it could be connected to the fact that our Quartz plate fitting is loose on the same side of the failures and it is possible to push the plate and its frame down towards the mirror approx 2-3 mm on this side.

Could this be the problem? If so any ideas how I can secure the plate. Other than that WHAT AN AMAZING MACHINE
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Re: Partial print failure

Postby Jewelermdt » Sun Nov 22, 2015 3:01 am

Somewhere there is instruction on how to check and adjust the build platform to be flat against the plate. I had this problem.

Also make sure you have not resin stuck to the film from a precious fail. That the film on that side is tight and not rippled.
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Re: Partial print failure

Postby reify » Sun Nov 22, 2015 5:46 am


The quartz movement is intentional and very important. The light is a little weaker at the far corners, and more so at the left corners, so this could be the cause. Try moving the pillars towards the rings or increasing your exposure time by 100ms. Or...they look to have failed at about the height where the resin is still crowning on the underside of the build platform. Try increasing the lift and sequence time (aka "settle time") by 500 to 1000 ms as the resin might still be flowing when the exposure starts.

That said, the rings look perfect so are the pillars on the left even necessary?
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Re: Partial print failure

Postby Davjim » Sun Nov 22, 2015 8:04 pm

Hi thanks for the information
Just a few things to add. Firstly our resin is strained before each grow and the basement film is checked for deposits and damage so we can rule that out. The corner square posts were add to this grow as an experiment to check that all areas of the grow plate work , plus as a help with the growing of the models so no one model is distorting the film enough to spoil a nearby model in its growth.

We tried this experiment because we attempted to grow the centre pyramid pendant the previous grow, but more over to the left,
Unfortunately it failed in this position and also affected a ring . So the same models were grown again but positioned differently on the grow plate as in the photographs using the same support structures but this time we added the corner columns as a test, obviously we were happy the models worked but surprised that the left hand columns failed.

I will try the changes to the software but before I do I might try the unused tray that came with the Solus because I have to confess that although we have only been using the machine for about two weeks I do clean the basement gently with a paper towel, I wonder if that has prematurely clouded it enough to affect the growing?
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Re: Partial print failure

Postby Davjim » Sun Nov 22, 2015 9:19 pm

Just wondered what is the reason for the Quartz plate to be loose on one side.

Does the plate add support the basement when the grow plate reaches the curing position? Or is there no contact between the two.
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Re: Partial print failure

Postby reify » Mon Nov 23, 2015 2:55 am

Davjim wrote:I will try the changes to the software but before I do I might try the unused tray that came with the Solus because I have to confess that although we have only been using the machine for about two weeks I do clean the basement gently with a paper towel, I wonder if that has prematurely clouded it enough to affect the growing?

Please avoid cleaning the film with a paper towel. It can cause micro scratches. You can find more resin tank care information here:

The quartz isn't actually tilts every layer to separate the print from the film.

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