need help with the solus store

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Solus Expert
Joined:Thu Feb 25, 2016 4:09 pm
need help with the solus store

Postby manakawari » Fri Jun 23, 2017 12:45 pm

when i go to the solus website, i cant seem to find the section where you can purchase supplies...can someone please help me locate the online store...i need to order a new teflon sheet, and id also like the all metal resin tray and im considering buying the proto resin as well...its a little more money than i was hoping to spend as i dont make jewlery so for my purposes the resin was a little more expensive than i was hoping, but i would like a higher resolution resin than the one im using..currently using white makerjuice and it works well, just would like a tad bit better resolution for tiny letters..i sooooo wish the proto resin was a different color...i need a white resin as i paint most of my prints and i just feel that needing to prime and then print will create too thick of a coating and ill lose the tiny detail.....with white resin, i can actually dye my prints so i dont lose any detail at all.

If i could purchase a smaller amount of the proto resin to test i would do that but dropping a few hundred bucks on an experiment is not something that excites me, open for current work flow is to print in white resin, i then dye or sometimes paint my prints the desired color, and then i finally place my prints in a dust free acrylic glove box and then i vacuum out the dirty air ( a hepa filter in the box cleans the new air entering the box) inside the box i have a rotary drying rack, so i mount the prints on the drying rack and as it slowly spins, i apply a crystal clear polyester clear coat cures in about 12 hours to a factory finish and the clean air glove box eliminates any dust so the finish is flawless.....the clear coat is self leveling so any microscopic grow lines or scratches are completely filled in...this process eliminates the need for any polishing or post processing with the exception of support removal and high grit sandpaper sanding of support connections....the prints come out the final color i want with the perfect factory polished finish that is super hard and durable.

based on this work flow, im sure how you can see that between paint and a rather thick coating of clear coat, detail loss can be a problem so adding another step of primer, is just not something i feel will work well i feel im stuck needing a white or at the very least off white resin to start but unfortunately the maker juice resin is just not as sharp as id like...its very close to being good enough but just not quite there.

Anyone know of another resin manufacturer that sells a white resin of higher quality than maker juice?..this and a link to the site that sells solus supplies would be awesome thanks!
Solus Expert
Joined:Wed Feb 17, 2016 10:36 pm

Re: need help with the solus store

Postby samatheang » Fri Jun 23, 2017 5:46 pm

For the store, it depends on where you live, but here is the US one:

For painting with the Proto resin, you can try this Primer ( as Emil suggested in the post here (viewtopic.php?f=8&t=522&p=4316&hilit=japanese#p4316). I don't think you lose any detail with this primer.
Solus Expert
Joined:Thu Feb 25, 2016 4:09 pm

Re: need help with the solus store

Postby manakawari » Fri Jun 23, 2017 10:13 pm

oh wow, they sell sample bottles now!!! that's great! I will try it! thanks !

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